March 21, 2022
Many students and well, teens everywhere have started to take advantage of buying from second-hand stores, also known as thrifting. With donated clothes and other items for cheap prices, this way of shopping can be super rewarding, for buyers and for the planet. The rare gems of high fasion at cheap prices are so exciting to find, and recycling clothes is great for the enviroment. It is truly a win-win.

Photo credit: Google Images
So why is it good for the enviroment? It is reported that in 2018 alone there were 17 million tons of textile waste thrown into landfills. 17 million. What’s even worse? A recent study concluded that due to “fast fashion” there will be 134 million tons of textines thrown away per year by the year 2030. Fast Fashion is when industries mass produce cheap and trendy clothing and sell them to buyers all over the world. While this may seem good at first glance, it is actually horrible for the planet. People everywhere snatch up this cheap clothing when trends form, and get to own some trendy new fits. But what happens when in two weeks there is a new trend? After only a couple of wears the old clothes are disguarded and forgotten about. Eventually they are thrown away, added to the massive amount of waste produced by Americans every year. Shopping has turned to that of a hobby instead of a necessity, and the landfills truly show it.

Photo credit: Google Images
So is there a better option? Yes! Thrifting gives buyers a chance to recycle clothing items. Cool clothes at a cheap price, local shops, and a fun time, there’s no going wrong! Instead of old clothes going to the waste centers, second hand shops give people the chance to donate their items to give to others. So, when something does not fit or simply is not someone’s style anymore, thrift shops give them the chance to help the enviroment and give back to their community. See, it’s not only teens in search of a new outfit shopping here, but also the less fortunate. Those who can not afford clothing can purchase here for small prices, and it truly means the world to them. Weither it is donating to the less fortunate or purchasing items and helping clothes stay out of trash bins, thrifting is a great opertunity to help make the world a better place. And, who doesn’t love a new outfit every now and then?
Freshman Madelyn Harper goes thrifting frequently, and she has fantastic style! In her words, she enjoys it because “I thrift because there is cool stuff and sometimes weird stuff, and it is all good for the planet.”
Some local thrift shops in Las Vegas include Savers, Goodwill, Deseret Industries, Dog Junkies, and Playdough’s Closet. Next time students think of buying from Fast Fashion companies, they are encouraged to think of the planet and community and try out thrifting!
Shipp • Mar 31, 2022 at 4:56 am
Love thrifting! Principal Kannon is the queen of thrifting!!