Senior, Audrey Gadeski
December 6, 2021
Senior Audrey Gadeski says the most exciting thing for her since she entered high school has been the student section and the football games in general, and “it is one of my favorite things about high school by far. The spirit and energy everyone has here is my favorite part of high school. My biggest challenge was everything with COVID-19. Sophomore year was a really good year and it sucked when it just got cut early. I was supposed to go to Disneyland for a school trip and it got cancelled; and it was just sad to be separated from everything so quick. It sucked seeing my older sister lose her graduation ceremony and everything as well. It just seemed to get worse as junior year came because it was all online and I had no motivation to do anything. I knew I had to make the most of what I was dealing with somehow, so I focused on the bright side of things more and worked through it. I knew there was a light at the end of the tunnel so I pushed through it. My best memory has been Homecoming week my sophomore year. It was just so fun because of the spirit week, powderpuff, the football game, and the dance made it one of the best weeks ever at Shadow. After high school, I plan to go to CSN for Dental Hygiene.”