Heifer International
November 29, 2021
Christmas time is the time of giving, and one quick and easy way to give is to donate to Heifer Internation, a nonprofit organization who’s mission is to end hunger and poverty. Heifer International gives livestock and education to those in need to “not just survive, but thrive.”
On Heifer’s gift catolog, there is a plethora of choices such as livestock, water, and education. Some specifics include goats, pigs, bees, ducks, sheep, chickens, alpaca, water for life, and sending a girl to school. A gift of a goat could mean produce such as milk, cheese, or butter, which the family in need could use for nourishment or sell to help their income. It could also fertilize their crops which will help these causes. Just one goat alone could produce 4 gallons of milk a day, which could help a family so very much. Just one single goat could change a family’s life.

Heifer Iternational stated, “It feels great knowing that, when you give a Heifer gift, you’re making a lasting difference. Now it’s easier than ever to spread that feeling of pride and joy while helping struggling families.”
Another great gift is a pig, which is a good fit for the poorest of families, as it will give them protein and nourishment and offspring to sell, which can help the entire community. There are also gifts like sheep whose wool can bring warmth to families and communities. They also provide milk and nutrition. Bees can also be donated, which gives income through sale of honey, wax, and pollen. They also help sustain growth and are great for the enviroment. Even a water buffalo can be donated! Those gentle giants help farmers sow feilds planting 4 times as many crops as they would without these creatures, who aslo give milk. People in Asia, South America, and India depend on water buffalo more than any other animal when it comes to farming.

People can also gift a girl one of the most important gifts of all, education. Heifer International says, “Education is the best tool for ending the cycle of poverty.”
This gift sends a girl to school, and provides her with school supplies and fees. Girls are often discriminated against in third world countries and not provided with the opertunity to go to school, and Heifer International helps provide those girls with a lifeline, in the form of eduaction that will help them achieve their full potential.
This time of year is such a great time to donate, as the organization will match any donation that is made. So, one goat will turn to two, and two chickens will turn to four. Donations can be given one time, or monthly. Donors can also chose to donate in honor of a friend or family member, and recieve an honor card. All donations are also tax deductable, and one hundred percent of the proceeds will always go directly to those in need. So, for the people who are just impossible to find the right gift for, consider giving to Heifer International on their behalf, and changing the life of a family forever.