The Origins of the Stampede
Photo Courtesy of: Shadow Stampede Instagram & HoneyeDo Photography
The Dance Team share an embrace after performing their last home football game.
November 22, 2021
5, 6, 7, 8! Introducing Shadow Ridge High School’s very own dance team, The Shadow Stampede! This 18 people dance group is here to represent the school, and they are rocking the game!

The Shadow Stampede consists of dancers from all grade levels, with two junior and one senior captains. The dance team manager, Savannah Wagner, is also a junior. The Stampede has performed at many events since their start in August, most of which being football games, and they have completed three dances. They performed at this years Homecoming game, and the last home game of the season that came before the playoffs. On top of that, they plan to also perform at some of the upcoming basketball games, and in the upcoming Winter Showcase.

“I joined the team because I love dance and I really wanted an outlet to express myself,” says junior, Laci Murdock.
Murdock also stated, “When I cheered, dance was always my favorite part and I really wanted to direct my focus onto just dance.”
The dancers all had their specific reasons for joining the team. Some wanted to expand their dance knowledge and skills, while others wanted to return to dance after taking a break, but not everyone on the team has had prior dance experience. Regardless, everyone on the team works diligently on their craft.
Although the team is able to pump out a full dance in a week, it still can take a mental toll on the dancers.
“The most challenging part has been being realistic with yourself and knowing your boundaries mentally and physically,” says Murdock. ‘Sometimes you want to do everything, but you can’t do everything all the time.”
This is a struggle that dancers all around the globe face. Every chance they get to be on stage needs to be taken, but there are times where they lack the skill set or time to overcome the obstacle.
But despite all of the challenges that the dancers have to face, they have an amazing teacher and mentor, Jill Breckenridge. Breckenridge is a very skilled dancer, and she works very hard to make sure to bring in the emotional side of dance. She helps and allows the dancers to not only learn the technique, but truly feel the music while they dance. She is very influential to many of the dancers.
“Being able to meet Ms. B and learn under her is amazing,” says junior, Camryn Moore.
All in all, the team has so much more in store for the rest of the year, despite their late start. They work hard, and play harder, and will continue to rock the game and support their school!