Teen’s Guide to Skincare
The teenage years are some of the most troublesome and stressful times that a person will go through. Although the struggles teens go through differ from person to person, almost all teens can say that they’ve struggled with acne whether it’s a pimple here and there or constant breakouts. There are many reasons why teens have acne including genetics, stress, hormones, and activity level. Having a good diet, getting good sleep, and drinking plenty of water are all good ways to combat acne. One of the most helpful things that all teens should have regardless of whether they have acne or not, is a strict skincare routine customized to what their skin needs. For teens that don’t have a clue where to start, below are affordable and effective products for many different types of skin.
*Of course, not all acne can be solved by doing skincare, and going to a dermatologist is the best way for teens to find solutions to their acne.