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The Absolute Best College Football Mascots

Whether they are real-life animals, or people dressed up in a costume, mascots have carved their way into the hearts and souls of college football. They give that desire for support a school wants, and are a visual representation of a school. They have been around for the better part of 150 years and do not seem to be headed anywhere anytime soon. Of course, mascots are not the reason Americans watch college sports, or any sport at all, but they do serve a big purpose in riling up the crowd, performing during breaks, and just simply having fun out there. Today, 6 of the best mascots in college football will be presented, please feel free to comment on which mascot is your favorite and why!

Uga the Bulldog: University of Georgia
The Duck:University of Oregon
Mike the Tiger: Louisiana State University
Bevo: University of Texas
The Tree: Stanford University
Otto the Orange: Syracuse University

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