This is the outside of the original packaging.
On March 5, 1935, Parker Brothers released “Monopoly.” It is indeed a strategy based game. It is very easy to spend all of the player’s money at the beginning and then not have the money needed in order to pay rent when landing on other people’s properties. Monopoly also teaches players a little bit about how loans work because if they have to mortgage their property, they have to pay more than what they originally received for it to get it back; ugh interest. ” I think it is an overall great strategy game that can actually teach younger people about the values of money management and planning,” states Ms. Cleveland. When Ms. Cleveland was younger her parents taught her and her siblings how to properly manage money. There are many different versions of this game that get released on a regular basis, to appeal to everyone’s needs. “It’s the fast-dealing property trading game where players buy, sell, dream and scheme their way to riches,” explains Amazon.com.